Our Law Firm, cooperate with foreign investors, Which manage and support international business projects; providing legal services, particularly the establishment of legal entities in Indonesia, assisting the licensing process, finding qualified local employees, helping rent office space (warehouses, other spaces), providing Legal services, as well as promoting Indonesian businesses in various countries around the world. Since 2019, Our Law Firm has been helping entrepreneurs to set up their companies in Indonesia, especially in Bali. With Legal Analysis Skills from the Regalia Law Office, and supported by qualified colleagues, we are determined to be the front entry point for anyone who wants to start a business in Indonesia.
Regalia Law Office
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Our law firm handle Legal problems and provide investment-related consulting services for local and foreign entrepreneurs to start a business in Indonesia. We can help compile a legal framework and advice related to investment that will be carried out in order to provide benefits to clients related to legal issues that will be faced, and we also provide documentation and permit services required in the laws and regulations in Indonesia. for more information please visit Our Business Partner https://indolegalpermit.weebly.com/